
【GIF】女には出来て男には絶対出来ない動作がこれwwwww お前ら出来る??

1: 2019/11/29(金) 16:17:30.22 ID:s7xkvTAU0.net
A trick now dubbed the ‘chair challenge’ involves standing three feet away from a wall. 

You then have to bend over with your head against the wall. 

But the real challenge comes when you try to stand up holding the chair at the same time. 

Sound simple? Give it a try. 

Dozens of videos on social media have shown while seeming easy, only women can actually do the challenge. 

Men, on the other hand, struggle to stand upright again while holding the chair. 

How to do the chair challenge 
1. Stand up against the wall and take three footsteps back 
2. Place a chair in front of you, up against the wall 
3. Bend over the chair, creating a 90-degree angle with your body 
4. Place your head against the wall 
5. Lift the chair up to your chest, keeping your head against the wall 
6. Now comes the real challenge… try to stand up straight, lifting the chair with you 

引用元: http://hayabusa3.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/news/1575011850/


Source: ニュー速